Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Great Week!

After a lot of gloom, wet and cold we are finally enjoying some sunshine! The poor folks at Bakersfield ar clouded in, but the mountains are great. Good flying weather. Speaking of which, the monthly :Plane Crazy Day" at Mohave (KMHV) was great! Barry Schiff form AOPA magazine was guest speaker, Lots of unique aircraft equally unique pilots.

With the sunny skies now my once frozen students are thawing out and getting back into the swing of it. Looks like a busy flight schedule for the next few weeks. One new one starting Saturday. One is so hyped up that he is in the process of buying his airplane already!

Now that I am getting the hang of loading photos on the blog, you can expect to see more of the action. Weather permitting this Monday we will be flying out to Camarillo (KCMA) for the day, and a "photo safari" There are a lot of restored classic and WW-II aircraft there. Hope to be able to share some with you.

Mountain Hawk is taking on some good changes too, watch for some new things on the website: in the coming month.

An odd occurance to one of my clients, after he "assisted" in putting the end plug in his crankshaft,
the first itme he went to "full power" it blew itself out! Fortunatly he was on his take-off roll and not airborne when it happend. the poor gut lost two quarts of oil and made one terrible mess! The picture at the top shows what I found when I pulled the spinner off the propeller.

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