Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fresh in the New Year!

Today, January 4th is special! No I am not making a "new year's resolution", but I am following up on some things that have been in the planning stages for the past six months. Expect this blog to have something new every Tuesday from now on.

As you look down the approach end of Runway "two niner" at Tehachapi Muni (KTSP) you will see what has to be the most familiar thing I see in a day of instructing. Sometimes seven to eight times an hour! I am planing on doing a lot of this in the new year!

This year, Mountain Hawk Aviation will be changing a bit. The "ultimate off road adventure" is still in slow but steady progress. Preparation of "Winston" is underway piece by piece. A VHF/DF to be installed this month, and some air photo ops prep work in progress.

Since most of my instruction work is being done in aircraft that the students own, wear and tear on Winston is down. As the price of avgas goes from absurd to insane, I am shopping for a Cessna 150 or 152 "Aerobat"! I hope to use this for primary and emergency maneuver and spin training, reserving the 172 for instrument training and personal and business usage rather than "rental". I don't care if most people see the little "buck-and-a-half" as a "toy" airplane, it is still one of the best airmanship trainers ever built, and has operating costs that are hard to beat! If I can latch on to one of the Aerobatic versions, I will have a low cost, multi role trainer that is cheap, fun and effective! Mostly cheap fun for all concerned.

I will be getting out of the "heavy maintenance" business this year. At nearly 62 I find it harder and harder to keep up the production rate. I will be doing mostly inspection and compliance work, now that my clientele is getting better established. I will continue to serve a select clientele of airplane owners, but be very selective about new accounts. The "big" project about did me in.

Next, getting inviolved in EAA and more fly outs to events. No more being stuck in the hangar or office. This weekend I will be getting out and gettng more photos of neat places to post. Keep looking!

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