For us, it was a quick getaway to Camarillo (KCMA) where they offer a pretty good burger! In fact the restaurant on the field, the "Waypoint Cafe" is renown for excellent food, good company and the best view of the field.
Overall, CMA is a very friendly airport. Even the tower staff are polite! (I hope the FAA doesn't read this, they might get fired).
The interesting thing was the weather however. As the photos show, looking north to Bakersfield, they were socked in. Everything south of the foothills & "Gorman pass" was severe clear! This is why I love flying and instructing in the mountains. My students get to see and fly in for themselves what others only read about until after they get their licence.
For example: the mini-cumulus cloud forming over the power station. As you can see it is formed by the heat from the evaporators, and the conditions were just right to show this phenomenon in a very visible way.
Yes indeed, I have the best deal going. And I get paid to do it!