Saturday, February 4, 2012


Since the last report a lot has transpired. The runway you see is that of Furnace Creek, in Death Valley, the lowest public use airport in the country. This fall we went there, and at a cool 107 degrees F the place lived up to it's name. A word of warning, don't even thnk about it in the sumertime! The food is "OK" but the experiance is quite delightfull. Just remember, they dont call it "Death Valley" for nothing. Pack a lot of water.

At the other end of the specrum, the King Air was parked at Tromso Norway! I had the task of going there to issue a "Ferry Permit" to allow it to be flown to Manila. As a DAR I can issue a Ferry Permit on any US regitered aircraft anywhere in the world! What fun! Tromso is above the arctic circle by the way, even further north than Bodo!

The food in Norway is great (but pricy) the country beautiful. I would love to see more of the place.

We have been doing a fair bit of Aerial Photo support flying, and working that angle a bit. Student flying is down, but some "special project" aircraft are cluttering up the hangar here, waiting for either the owners to cough up some cash, or jsut make up their minds as to what they want!

Just put on a part time helper, a young A&P fresh out of school, lots of enthusiasim but shy on experiance. Work gets done a bit quicker and I have time to market and fly, not to mention take care of the mountain of paperwork that all the work generates.

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